June 1st- Results

Last night i was a little late getting out to my evening surveys, i had spent the day in central London earlier and only set off at around 10pm. I was wound up from being in the City and needed a break anyhow. It had been a warm day, about 24 degrees, and by evening it was warm,clear and the air was still. Having had a previous couple days of mixed weather, i thought the weather and time of year was the perfect storm. I had read that Stag Beetles come out on more humid evenings, but i still think the conditions were very right, temperature and wind speed.
After an unsuccessful visit to Hayes common and a close encounter with a badger, i found a female Stag Beetle at 11:30pm, on the side of the road on Pickhurst lane. 10 minutes later, a crushed male was spotted on a driveway on Westmoreland road. 2 in 10 minutes after around 3 hours cycling. I wonder how many i cycled past. The first Stag Beetles of the year have been recorded. None have been observed flying however, so maybe they are still emerging. Tonight will be humid, with thunderstorms predicted. Tonight may bring more sightings, i will be experimenting with maple syrup and a moth bait mixture tonight.


Gore warning


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